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Sahne ve Perde Çalışanlarının Hukuki-Sorunları

Sahne ve Perde Çalışanlarının Hukuki Sorunları

Legal Problems of Stage and Curtain Employees is a book dedicated to the legal problems of theater, television and cinema actors.

The Legal Problems of Stage and Curtain Employees. Dr. Aristotle Publishing by Gülsevil Alpagut was published in 2017 by under the .

The book questions the legal status of the stage and curtain employees, examines the extent to which the players will be insured and seeks the legal problems that players face in practice.

Legal and Problems of Stage and Curtain Employees are among the books that make an exception.

Istanbul University Faculty of LawOn 15 December 2015, a meeting on “Legal Problems of Stage and Curtain Employees Aralık was organized by the Department of Labor and Social Security Law and legal problems were discussed in detail. The work consists of the communiqués and articles presented at the meeting organized in this context. “Problems encountered in practice these people have become more pronounced as it is in all the world and in Turkey with larger and larger film and television industry and number of employees operating in the sector due to the increase every day. Need players during the shooting of particular television series for our country, and the long working hours in terms of the set team and sometimes the inadequate working conditions in terms of occupational health and safety constitute the main problems of the sector. For these reasons, together with the Players’ Union, the problems faced by the employees in the cinema and television sector and theaters were put forward and discussed in a legal framework.

Subject of the Legal Problems of Stage and Stage Workers

An Overview of the Cinema and Television Sector: The Working Conditions of the Players, Meltem CUMBUL (Players ‘Union), Özgür ÇEVİK (Players’ Union Board Member), Feride ÇETİN (Players Union)

Former President Meltem Cumbul

Legal Status of Stage and Curtain Employees, Res. See. Özge YILDIZ An HAKKAKUL (Istanbul University, Faculty of Law, Department of Labor and Social Security Law)

Labor Relations and Working Conditions of Stage and Curtain Employees, Ali KARACA (Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security)

Working Relations in Theaters, Tilbe SARAN (General Secretary of Players’ Union)

Social Security of Artists, Res. See. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KÖME AKPULAT (Istanbul University, Faculty of Law, Department of Labor and Social Security Law)

Problems and Solutions in Practice, Av. S. Sera KADIGİL (Players’ Union Legal Counsel)

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Legal Problems of Stage and Curtain Employees 

Players Union at the time of the panel President is Mary Cumbul, the players have to evaluate Union Board Member Özgür AGILE and Players Union Member Feride Cetin players’ conditions in a general outlook on the film and television sector work.

Legal status of stage and screen employees; Özge YILDIZ-HAKKAKUL, a research assistant at the Istanbul University Faculty of Law, explained the comparative law and Turkish law.

About working relationships and working conditions of stage and curtain employees; The Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ali KARACA, made observations on implementation. Apart from the cinema and television sector, the General Secretary of the Players’ Union Tilbe SARAN made explanations about the current working relations and the problems encountered in theaters.

Social security rights, which have been a major problem for many years in the practice of stage and curtain workers; Ayşe KÖME, a research assistant at Istanbul University Faculty of Law, has been examined by AKPULAT within the framework of international law and Turkish law.

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Acting Union Legal Counsel and currently the Republican People’s Party Istanbul deputy Av. S. Sera KADIGİL presented the suggestions and opinions regarding the problems encountered in practice in a legal framework.

Meeting Dr. Prof. Dr. Berin Ergin in the respect of respect. Dr. Tankut Centel and Professor. Dr. Fevzi They were the chairperson and participant in the meetings.

Professor Dr. Gülsevil Alpagut

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